Regular Board Meeting

February 1, 2021


The Bennington Township regular meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lee Ash on February 1, 2021, 7:00pm, at the Township Hall.
Present: Jim Forsythe, Matt Dutcher, Lee Ash, Cody Baker, Donna Ash.

Forsythe moved to approve the agenda as printed. Second by L. Ash. Motion carried.
Forsythe moved to approve the minutes for the January 4, 2021 regular board meeting as printed. Second by Baker. All board members in favor. Motion carried.
Forsythe moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Baker. All board members in favor. Motion carried.
Dutcher moved to pay bills as presented in the amount of $13,206.29. Second by Forsythe. All board members in favor. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Old Business:
Salary Resolution – Dutcher moved to consider the salary resolution approved at the previous regular meeting and increase the Clerk salary by $1200/year. Second by Baker. All board members in favor. Motion carried.

New Business:
New Property – Building Removal – Dutcher moved to accept the proposal from Stoddard Mobile Court and Sales Inc. to remove the larger house on the new property and to demo the smaller house and remove at a total cost of $4,500.00. Second by Baker. All board members in favor. Motion carried.
Budget Review – 2021 -2022 budget was reviewed and changed and will be presented for review and approval on March 1, 2021, 7:00pm, at the Township regular board meeting and budget hearing.

Forsythe moved to adjourn. Second by L. Ash. Motion carried.
Adjournment at 7:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna Ash, Clerk