Regular Board Meeting

June 1, 2020

The Bennington Township regular board meeting was called to order by Supervisor Lee Ash on June 1, 2020 at 7:00pm via a teleconference call as approved by Executive Order 2020-75. The teleconference call was through, dial in number (978)990-5000, access code 810004. (Posted on Township web home page, Office door, and Hall front notice box.)

Present: Lee Ash, Matt Dutcher, Jim Forsythe, Donna Ash.
Not Present: Cody Baker

L. Ash moved to suspend with regular meeting procedure and move on to the business of the day. Second by Forsythe. Roll call vote: Dutcher-yes, D. Ash-yes, L. Ash-yes, Forsythe-yes, Baker-N/A. Motion carried.

Forsythe moved to approve the agenda with the additions of MTA Dues Bill and 1% Administration Fee. Second by Dutcher. Roll call vote: L. Ash-yes, Forsythe-yes, Dutcher-yes, D. Ash-yes, Baker-N/A. Motion carried.

Forsythe moved to approve the minutes for the May 4, 2020 regular board meeting as printed. Second by Dutcher. Roll call vote: L. Ash-yes, Dutcher-yes, D. Ash-yes, Forsythe-yes, Baker-N/A. Motion carried. 

L. Ash moved to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Second by Forsythe. Roll call vote: L. Ash-yes, Dutcher-yes, Forsythe-yes, D. Ash-yes, Baker-N/A. Motion carried.

Forsythe moved to approve payment of the bills as presented in the amount of $52,376.24. Second by Dutcher. Roll call vote: L. Ash-yes, Forsythe-yes, D. Ash-yes, Dutcher-yes, Baker-N/A. Motion carried.

Public Comment: None

Old Business: None

New Business:
1% Administration Fee – L. Ash moved to approve a 1% administration fee on the 2020 Summer and Winter tax bills. Second by D. Ash. Roll call vote: L. Ash-yes, D. Ash-yes, Dutcher-yes, Forsythe-yes, Baker-N/A. Motion carried.

MTA Dues Bill – Discussion of an additional fee for unlimited classes. No action taken.

Office/Election PPE – Discussion regarding required PPE for upcoming elections and office.

Forsythe moved to adjourn. Second by L. Ash. Roll call vote: L. Ash-yes, Forsythe-yes, D. Ash-yes, Dutcher-yes, Baker-N/A. Motion carried.
Adjournment at 7:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Ash, Clerk